How It Works

Legacy Site Migration to WordPress

TU IT offers a self-service WordPress environment for sites related to teaching, research, and communication outreach for faculty projects and officially recognized university groups and programs. The service is based on WordPress, the most popular content publishing tool on the web. It’s powerful, easy to use and requires almost no technical expertise.

At this time, efforts are focused on migrating existing sites from across campus into this single, secure and stable WordPress environment.

If you would like to move an existing site into our environment, start with the site setup/request form. Keep in mind that sites on our system must use our themes, sites that have been built with custom themes or with html editing software will need to work within the established design and available themes. Site owners/managers are responsible for migrating those sites into the new theme.


For security and stability reasons, we do not allow users to upload plugins, themes or custom functionality (i.e. PHP/JavaScript modules).

Eligible Sites

Please note, we do not host individual sites of a non-academic nature (i.e. personal blogs or websites) and e-commerce is not permissible on

Sites @ TU Offers


Each site will need to have an owner, who is primarily responsible for the site, typically the faculty member or faculty-advisor of a department/organization. Additional user accounts can be created to allow other users to contribute and/or manage site content.

Management Platform

WordPress content management system offers an easy-to-use interface and is scalable to accommodate many sites on campus. No special software is needed and no coding is required. Because there is no scripting or programming, you are limited to the basic content editor and the site customizer. Some scripts can be embedded into the editor for feature elements.

Design with WordPress Themes

We have provided a basic set of themes for your use. The Genesis Framework family of themes offer responsive, modern designs. You won’t be able to modify the available themes. The theme activation process creates a sample site with documentation and help guides.

Functionality of Plugins

Plugins are additional tools installed along with a WordPress theme that add functionality and features to your site. All plugins required to make the themes work properly are included in your site creation. You won’t be able to install new plugins, however, additional plugins may be requested for reviewed and then added to your site. Please let us know if there are additional features you wish to have on your site.

Media Storage

Uploading images and documents is easy in WordPress. The maximum for each individual file size is 1.5 mb. The max media storage per site is 100 mb.

Web Hosting

Sites share hosting with a multisite installation with our managed WordPress hosting environment. Our third-party host provides excellent security and reliable performance. Backups and routine updated are handled for you.

Training and Support

Web Systems offers limited support for sites hosted on Training tutorials and help guides are available to get you started in the new WordPress editing experience.

User Roles & Site Access

All website contributors, authors, editors and administrators must have a TU Net ID to login.